I got to work on this awesome poster for the ASL club at Bergen. It's my girlfriend's design and I added my illustration! LF <3
I've been trying my best lately to balance all the areas of my life. It's a real juggling act to find time for all the things I want to do. I used to wish I could focus purely on painting or art in general, but the truth is that if I only focus on one area, then the rest of the juggling balls will fall. It was a silly fantasy to think I could live some kind of hermit existence and not worry about my relationships, work, my website, replying to emails, writing in my diary, the gym and everything else that needs attentions.
I've realized that kind of lifestyle wouldn't even be enjoyable. I would be a better painter, but a lopsided person. Illustrations are enhanced by leading a well rounded life. This takes effort and there's no book that will give the answer. It's like building and maintaining a house. You must balance comfort with necessities. You need a roof, water, electricity and all that, but is the house comfortable? Would I want to live there and have people stay there? That's how I think of my life. It's beautiful when the balance is right, but really awful when areas are neglected. As an illustrator and teacher, I know I'll have to hustle to get the lifestyle that I want. I'm fine with that because I realize the responsibility. I've been fortunate to have support from my family and friends, but the lion's share is on me. I have to deliver on my end of it or else I'll have failed those who supported me. So I also feel a pressure to be in this position. I wouldn't have it any other way. My Mom's birthday's coming up and I made her a watercolor illustration of our dog causing mischief. I drew it as a sketch a while back and finally got time to properly illustrate it. Happy Birthday Mom, I love you.
I recently had the opportunity to see Porter live at EZOO with my best friend, Russell. I really love Porter and this was truly one of the most emotional experiences I've ever had. We were there specifically to see Porter, but the whole ambiance was like a beautiful dream. Porter's aesthetic resonates with me mainly because it's about a longing for a lost world; it's also vaguely anime inspired and filled with nostalgia.
There are some videos of the experience, but you can't capture the atmosphere of hundreds of people singing along, bursts of flames, projections and the imagery. This was also the last time he'll be playing Worlds, so that made it even more impactful. He'll be touring again at the end of September, but I'm so happy to have seen him play Worlds live. I'll say also that I was hesitant to go because I've been so busy with everything and concerts can be pretty intimidating. Luckily, I went. For me, the concert really felt like the culmination of a long Summer of hard work. If you have the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and go do something that you want to, go and do it. |
February 2025