I just got back home from a trip up to the Geary Gallery in Darien, C.T. It's always a pleasure to see Anne and Tom and to see the beautiful works that are on display there. They have a ton of great paintings and I'm honored to have my work alongside so many beauties. I also got to see my wall officially hung and looking great.
My work is available for purchase in the gallery's exhibition, titled: "Eric Alexander Santoli: Nature's Sunlight". The gallery is open Wed. - Sat. from 9:30am to 5pm. Stop by if you're in the area and see all their works.
I recently had a great experience being interviewed and having a photoshoot with Northwest Bergen Lifestyle magazine. My interview covered many topics, including my journey as a painter, how I feel about artistic expression, working en plein air and my upcoming travel fellowship to Giverny. The article includes photos of myself painting en plein air and will be published in their February 2022 issue.
Many thanks to Kris Pepper for the enlightening interview and Sarah Flannery for the brilliant photos. It was a pleasure to share my story and I look forward to reading the article. Last night, I finished reading the final book in the 12 book series, Poldark. I first became interested in the series after watching the PBS television version which was on from 2015 until 2019. For Christmas a few years ago, my Brother gave my Mom the complete series of 12 books. As she finished each book she passed them to me.
To give a brief overview: it centers around Ross Poldark who returns to Cornwall from the American War (what we call the Revolutionary War). He finds his home in disarray, his father dead and his girlfriend has married his cousin because they thought that Ross was dead. That's all I want to say because it's unfair to summarize the rest of the series into a bitesized portion. The books were each a pleasure to read and really made me feel a part of Cornwall in the late 1790s. The books have great characters too and many badass moments. It feels like these characters are real and I still think about them even though the series is done. Although each book is quite long, it never felt like a chore to read; I stayed up until nearly 3am in order to finish the final book because it was such a page turner. The TV series from 2015 was good, but very different from the books and ran up until book 7 of the book series; so there are 5 extra books of content that extend past the TV series. It's pointless to compare one medium with another, but obviously a book can transport you in ways that a TV show can never. Reading transports me into an immersive environment where I can smell the smells, hear the sounds and see the sights. One of the cool things about reading the whole series is that you can see Graham develop as a writer and also as a man. It was written over the course of several decades so obviously there's a progression and a development of his personal philosophy. There were numerous moments when I had to stop reading and go write down a line or paragraph into my journal so I'd remember it. The series had a lot of ups and downs, which made each book very exciting. My favorite books were the 5th book, titled: The Black Moon and the final book, titled: Bella Poldark. I enjoyed each book because Graham is such a great writer. I learned a ton of vocabulary, keeping a dictionary at hand whilst I was reading. One of the best parts of reading the series was being able to discuss each part with my Mom. She enjoyed the books also and was eagerly waiting for me to finish them. I want to thank my Brother for gifting the series because we enjoyed it immensely. I've been reading these books for over a year so I'm pretty sad that I'm done now, but I plan to go back and read it again at some point; maybe when I'm an older man myself and after I've learned more about life. Some new paintings in some new frames from www.jfm.net - These paintings will be available soon from the Geary Gallery.
February 2025