I just read this awesome article about the singer of The Lumineers, Wesley Shultz, and his thoughts on motorcycles and music. I'm a big fan of their music and it's interesting that Shultz grew up in Ramsey, N.J., close to where I live and grew up. As an artist, I completely agree with the connection between motorcycles and the genesis of ideas. There's something meditative about riding that cultivates creativity. This article was sent to me in the Triumph newsletter which always has great content. Click on the image below to read the article and to watch the video. "'I’ve been riding anytime it’s a clear day. It’s become a catalyst for coming up with lyrics and melodies. You feel like you have this hit of dopamine, but you have to be ready to react quickly. You can’t be on your phone. You can’t be anywhere else in your mind.'”
There were a lot of ups and downs for 2018. There were good times and positives, such as traveling to Spain, getting my full-time position teaching studio art at Ridgewood High School, hitting new strength goals in the gym, painting and drawing a lot and reading some good books. But it seemed like 2018 had mostly negatives. I went through a very difficult breakup, I cut ties with some old friends, two of my pets died and the year ended with some low-life stealing my bank information. There was a feeling of general sadness that pervaded the entire year. So I'm happy that 2018 is done. Looking forwards, I have some goals for 2019: -Do a lot more paintings, including portraits of people I love. -Sketch a lot more. -Keep reading a lot. -Continue working hard in the gym. -Ride my motorcycle more. -Skateboard more/spend more time outside. -Meet some new people and make some new friends. -Keep battling my personal demons. -Try to be more of myself and keep trying to find out who I am. I feel like I've never been stronger and my skills have never been sharper so cheers to 2019 (2018 can go jump in a lake) and I wish the best for you all. Couldn't have gotten through 2018 without Cudi I've been into Porter Robinson's music for a while now and it's great to read an article about his new venture. I went to the first Virtual Self concert with my best friend and it was the most emotional visual/auditory experience I've ever had.
http://www.thefader.com/2018/02/28/porter-robinson-virtual-self-interview?utm_source=tftw I painted this really awesome denim jacket for a commission! It's painted with acrylic paint and is a memorial portrait of Gregg Allman.
February 2025